Karuna Charitable Society is an independent; student run UCMS based charitable organization established in 2002 A.D. to help the poor, needy and deserving patients coming to UCMS Teaching Hospital for medical treatment from different parts of the country. It helps the poor patients admitted to this hospital by providing them financial assistance in purchasing drugs and also by offering them free medical facilities at the hospital, based on individual, medical and economic condition.

            Till now, we have spent more than 18 lakhs Nepali rupees in the past 10 years from which more than 2000 patients have been benefited in one or the other ways. We have also fed poor orphans at various orphanages of this area and distributed study materials and sports stuffs to them. This shows our commitment of jumping in wherever is the need for urgent and immediate attention.

The overall goal of this annual event is not only limited to some days of merry making. The money saved from the event will be looked after by a Steering Committee of the students from UCMS-TH. The Committee will keep taking up the issues of needy patients, prioritize them according to their medical condition as assessed by the consultants and provide immediate assistance as per its evaluation of the patients’ economical condition and the resources available with Karuna Charitable Society (KCS). Besides this, KCS has been approaching college administration for the discounts on bed charges and other lab investigations of poor and needy patients in the hospital itself.

The financial data is promulgated every year at the time of annual fair.

We have spent about Rs. 4,00,000/- from the Karuna Charitable Society last  year(2012/13)  on 188 patients who were directly benefited.

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